Liver Cancer Patients Tell
She Beat Liver Cancer for the Second Time After 6 Years: Hayriye Taş's Success Story
Disease and Treatment:
Diagnosis: Liver cancer
Surgery: Liver cancer detected during gallbladder surgery
Recurrence of liver cancer 6 years after initial surgery
First Surgery: Detection of Cancer During Gallbladder Surgery
Hayriye Taş , 70, who lives in Turgutlu, Manisa, had an operation for gallstones 6 years ago. During this time, doctors noticed signs of cancer in the gallbladder wall. In a successful operation performed by General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Ünver and his team, the cancerous gallbladder and part of the liver bed were removed. After the operation, Hayriye Hanım got through the recovery process in a healthy way.
Cancer Relapse: Liver Cancer Again After 6 Years
After 6 years, a tumor was detected in Hayriye Hanım's liver again during regular check-ups. This time, there was only a small mass of 1.5 cm , but the cancer had returned. Dr. Ünver and his team performed a second operation and successfully removed the tumor. Hayriye Hanım, who recovered quickly after the operation, was discharged in good health.
Doctor's Comment: The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Regular Checkups
Associate Professor Mutlu Ünver , who performed both surgeries, emphasized that gallstones can turn into cancer over time and that regular checkups are critical in this process. Familial predisposition, long-term stone accumulation and chronic inflammation can increase the risk of gallbladder cancer. Early diagnosis and rapid intervention played a major role in preserving Hayriye Hanım's quality of life.
Symptoms to Watch Out For
People with gallstones are at risk of developing liver inflammation or cancer. The following symptoms are important signs to watch out for:
Back and Shoulder Pain: Pain that radiates to the right shoulder or waist
Nausea and Vomiting
Gallbladder Polyps: Polyps larger than 1 cm and growing rapidly carry the risk of turning into cancer.
Gallbladder and Liver Cancer Risks
Gallbladder cancer is more common in women, especially those aged 60-70. Large stones and polyps pose a risk of developing into cancer. Dr. Ünver stated that early detection of these symptoms and surgical intervention prolongs the life of patients.
Hayriye Hanım's Second Struggle
Hayriye Taş fought cancer twice, 6 years apart, and successfully survived both surgeries. Thanks to both the expertise of the doctors and early diagnosis, she was able to overcome cancer and continue her life in a healthy way.

Does Liver Cancer Kill? Hear From Our Cancer Survivor Patient!
70 yaşındaki Hayriye Taş, 6 yıl arayla iki kez karaciğer kanseriyle mücadele etti ve her iki seferde de kanseri yenmeyi başardı. İlk kez safra kesesi ameliyatı sırasında kanser tespit edilen Hayriye Hanım, başarılı bir operasyonla kanserli dokularından kurtuldu. Ancak 6 yıl sonra, düzenli kontrollerde karaciğerinde yeniden bir tümör tespit edildi. Yine erken teşhis ve Doç. Dr. Mutlu Ünver’in başarılı cerrahi müdahalesi sayesinde Hayriye Hanım sağlığına kavuştu. Bu hikaye, düzenli kontrollerin ve erken müdahalenin hayati önemini bir kez daha gözler önüne seriyor.