Sigmoid Colon Cancer Symptoms and Diagnosis
My patient had been experiencing abdominal pain and constipation for a long time. After occult blood was detected in the stool test, her doctor recommended a colonoscopy. During the colonoscopy, a mass was detected in the rectosigmoid colon area and the patient was diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer . This diagnosis once again emphasized the importance of early intervention, especially for patients experiencing abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits.
Sigmoid Colon Mass and Treatment Process
Because the mass in the sigmoid colon was small, doctors thought it could be removed by colonoscopy . During this procedure , endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) was performed. ESD is a minimally invasive method for removing the mass; however, unfortunately, it was seen that the entire mass could not be removed after the procedure. Therefore, the patient was referred to surgery for surgical intervention.
Sigmoid Colon Surgery and Success
My patient underwent laparoscopic sigmoid colon surgery . This surgery involves the removal of the affected part of the sigmoid colon and since it is a minimally invasive method, the recovery process was faster and more comfortable. Post-operative check-ups revealed that the cancer had not spread and there were no complications such as sigmoid colon wall thickening . Therefore, my patient did not need chemotherapy .

Results and Recovery Process
Our patient's general condition continues to be closely monitored with regular follow-ups and check-ups after the surgery. Our patient, who quickly recovered physically, was able to return to her daily life without the need for heavy treatment methods such as chemotherapy. During this process, we have seen once again how effective early diagnosis and correct treatment methods are against cancer.
For patients experiencing complaints such as sigmoid colon pain and sigmoid colon wall thickening , regular health checks and early intervention can be life-saving. Our patient's successful treatment process is a hopeful example for many people.

Colon Cancer Patients Tell - Sigmoid Colon Cancer
Uzun süredir karın ağrısı ve kabızlık şikayetleri yaşayan hastamızın, yapılan tetkikler sonucunda sigmoid kolon kanseri teşhisi almasıyla başlar. Gayta testinde tespit edilen gizli kan sonrası kolonoskopi yapıldı ve rektosigmoid bölgede bir kitle saptandı. Bu süreç, özellikle bağırsak alışkanlıklarında değişiklik yaşayan kişiler için erken müdahalenin önemini bir kez daha göstermektedir.