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Yücenur Keti and Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy Surgery Process

Initial Complaints and First Application:

Yücenur Keti first applied to her urologist with complaints such as abdominal pain, weakness, abdominal swelling and anemia. As a result of the examination and tests, a colonoscopy was recommended for further evaluation. During the colonoscopy, a mass was detected in the right colon. This unexpected news was a great source of concern for Yücenur Hanım and her family.

Diagnosis and First Steps:

After the mass in her right colon was diagnosed, Yücenur Hanım's son searched for more information on the internet and found our clinic in the process. After coming to our clinic, Yücenur Hanım's condition was meticulously evaluated and comprehensive tests were performed. After the examinations, it was decided that surgery was the most appropriate treatment for our patient.

Surgery Process:

A laparoscopic right hemicolectomy surgery was planned for Yücenur Hanım. The laparoscopic method is a minimally invasive surgical technique and is performed without making large incisions in the abdomen. During the surgery, the right colon was successfully removed.

In addition, 25 lymph nodes were removed and sent for pathological examination to assess the risk of possible spread. The absence of metastasis in the lymph nodes indicated that the cancer had not spread and that chemotherapy was not necessary. This was a great source of relief for our patient and his family.

Post-operative PET-CT scans and other organ examinations also confirmed that no metastasis was found. These positive results were further evidence of the success of Yücenur's treatment process.

Post-Operative and Recovery Process:

After the surgery, Ms. Yücenur's recovery progressed faster and more smoothly than expected. Regular checkups after the surgery revealed that the cancer had not recurred.

During this process, Ms. Yücenur regained her health without the need for chemotherapy. Our patient has now regained her former health and continues her daily life as before.


Yücenur Keti's story is a hopeful example for patients struggling with colon cancer. This success story, which shows that serious diseases like cancer can be overcome with early diagnosis and the right treatment methods, has also become a source of hope for other patients in similar situations. The courage and determination shown by Yücenur and her family have been one of the most important factors in the success of this process.

Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy Surgery

Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy Surgery - Patient Story

Yücenur Keti ve Laparoskopik Sağ Hemikolektomi Ameliyatı Süreci

Yücenur Keti, karın ağrısı, kansızlık ve şişlik şikayetleri ile doktora başvurduktan sonra yapılan kolonoskopide sağ kolonda bir kitle tespit edildi. Bu teşhis sonrası ailesi, daha fazla bilgi arayışı içinde kliniğimize başvurdu. Yapılan detaylı incelemeler sonucunda, laparoskopik sağ hemikolektomi ameliyatının en uygun tedavi yöntemi olduğuna karar verildi. Ameliyat başarılı geçti, kanserin yayılmadığı ve kemoterapiye gerek kalmadığı anlaşıldı. Ameliyat sonrası hızla iyileşen Yücenur Hanım, eski sağlığına kavuşarak normal hayatına döndü.

Bu süreç, erken teşhis ve doğru tedavinin kanserle mücadelenin en önemli unsurları olduğunu bir kez daha gösterdi.

Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy Surgery - Patient Story
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