Comments of Those Who Had Rectal Cancer Surgery: Success Against Rectal Cancer The Difficult Journey of Uncle Bülbül Bolat from Konya
Disease and Treatment:
Diagnosis: Rectum cancer
Surgery performed: Abdominoperineal resection (APR)
Additional Procedure: Reconnecting the ureter to its normal location and removing the nephrostomy
Signs and Symptoms
Uncle Bülbül Bolat was a patient who had been living with chemotherapy for about 7 years . As a result of previous surgeries, it was determined that rectal cancer had spread to the bladder and bone structures. Due to this condition, the patient had a colostomy (connecting the intestine to the abdominal wall). However, over time, as the cancer progressed, the tumor also affected the urinary tract and this led to the failure of the left kidney . In addition, the left ureter (urine channel) lost its function and it became necessary to drain urine through the skin (nephrostomy).
Difficult Surgery Process
Many doctors he consulted stated that surgical intervention was very risky due to the spread of the tumor. However, Uncle Bülbül did not lose hope and went from Konya to the operating table once again, trusting his doctors.
In this challenging surgical intervention, called abdominoperineal resection , the tumor in the rectum was successfully removed. Although the tumor was attached to the bladder and bone structures, it was separated from these structures and cleaned with a meticulous operation.
One of the most critical points of the surgery was the reconstruction of the damaged left kidney and urinary tract. The left ureter was connected to its normal anatomical location, the nephrostomy procedure, which was taken to the outside of the urinary tract through the skin, was reversed and the nephrostomy tube was removed.
Recovery from Rectal Cancer
Uncle Bülbül Bolat had faced difficult chemotherapy processes and surgeries during his 7-year cancer journey. Although he had been told many times that it was impossible to remove the tumor, he bravely went into surgery. After the surgery, as a result of the meticulous work of the doctors and the successful operation, Uncle Bülbül managed to get rid of cancer.
Life and Hope After Surgery
After this difficult surgery, Uncle Bülbül entered a healthy recovery process. He opened a new page in his life, cured of both rectal cancer and kidney problems. This difficult journey he went through was a strong indicator that medical advances and patients who struggle with determination can overcome all kinds of difficulties.
The story of Uncle Bülbül Bolat is an inspiring success story that shows how valuable it is to reconnect with life by enduring difficulties and without losing hope.

Comments from Those Who Had Rectal Cancer Surgery - Patient Story
Konya’dan gelen Bülbül Bolat amca, 7 yıldır kemoterapi ile mücadele eden bir rektum kanseri hastasıydı. Kanserin mesane ve kemik yapılarına yayılmasıyla zorlu bir süreç geçirdi. Ancak doktorlarına olan güveni ve umudunu kaybetmemesi sayesinde, abdominoperineal rezeksiyon ile tümör başarıyla çıkarıldı. Ameliyat sırasında böbrek ve idrar yollarında yapılan yeniden yapılandırma ile sağlığına kavuşan Bülbül amca, bu zorlu sürecin ardından yeni bir hayata adım attı. Hikayesi, kararlılık ve inancın kanserle mücadelede ne kadar önemli olduğunu gösteren ilham verici bir örnek.