Whipple Surgery (Pancreaticoduodenectomy) and Colon Resection
Application Complaints:
When Ertan Çakın applied to our clinic, he was experiencing symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, weight loss, abnormalities in liver function tests and high blood sugar levels.
These symptoms signaled that there might be a problem with vital organs such as the liver and pancreas. Especially weight loss and abnormalities in liver functions suggested that there was a major problem in the body and made further examinations necessary.
Diagnostic Process:
To better understand Mr. Ertan's condition, detailed imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) were used. These advanced imaging techniques allow detailed examination of organs inside the body.
As a result of the examinations, it was determined that there was a tumor in the head of the pancreas. The pancreas is an important organ that produces digestive enzymes and the insulin hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Therefore, a tumor in the pancreas can have serious effects on the digestive system and blood sugar regulation.
Treatment Plan:
Considering the location and size of the tumor in the head of the pancreas, it was decided to perform a Whipple operation (pancreaticoduodenectomy) on Mr. Ertan. Whipple operation is a very complex surgical procedure used in the treatment of tumors located in the head of the pancreas.
In this operation, the head of the pancreas, the duodenum, the gallbladder and part of the bile ducts, as well as part of the stomach are removed. In addition, Ertan Bey's operation successfully performed a colon resection (removal of part of the large intestine). This type of surgical intervention aims to remove not only the tumor itself, but also the surrounding potentially affected tissues.
Postoperative and Pathological Examination:
After the surgery, tissue samples were subjected to detailed pathological examination. These examinations allow us to determine the type and character of the tumor. In Mr. Ertan’s case, a rare type of cancer called a neuroendocrine tumor (NET) was diagnosed. Neuroendocrine tumors originate from hormone-producing cells and are rarely seen in organs such as the pancreas. These tumors tend to grow slowly but may carry the risk of spreading to surrounding tissues and distant organs over time.
Result and Ertan Bey's Situation:
This process that Ertan Çakın went through once again reveals how critical early diagnosis and correct surgical intervention are for pancreatic tumors. The rarity of neuroendocrine tumors and the fact that they can present with various symptoms can make the diagnosis process difficult.
However, thanks to the meticulous work of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Ünver and his team, Mr. Ertan successfully survived a difficult surgery. Our patient's condition is currently stable and he is being monitored with regular check-ups. Success in this process was made possible by a multidisciplinary approach and the cooperation of an expert team.
Mr. Ertan's story reminds us once again how important early diagnosis and expert surgical intervention are in the treatment of pancreatic and other digestive system cancers. It should not be forgotten that postoperative care and follow-up processes are also part of the treatment.

Whipple Surgery (Operation) Patients - True Patient Story
Whipple Ameliyatı (Pankreatikoduodenektomi) ve Kolon Rezeksiyonu: Ertan Çakın’ın Hikayesi
Ertan Çakın, kliniğimize ciddi karın ağrıları, kilo kaybı ve karaciğer fonksiyonlarında bozukluk gibi belirtilerle başvurdu. Yapılan MR ve BT taramaları sonucunda, pankreas başında bir tümör tespit edildi. Pankreasın bu bölgesindeki tümörlerin tedavisinde kullanılan Whipple ameliyatı planlandı. Bu karmaşık cerrahi işlem sırasında, pankreas başı, oniki parmak bağırsağı, safra kesesi ve safra kanallarının bir kısmı çıkarıldı. Ayrıca, Ertan Bey’e kolon rezeksiyonu da uygulandı.
Ameliyat sonrası patolojik incelemeler, nadir görülen nöroendokrin tümör (NET) teşhisini doğruladı. Bu tümörler, hormon üreten hücrelerden kaynaklanır ve genellikle yavaş büyür, ancak zamanla yayılma riski taşır. Ertan Bey, Doç. Dr. Mutlu Ünver ve ekibinin başarılı müdahalesiyle zorlu süreci atlattı ve şu anda durumu stabil bir şekilde takip ediliyor.
Bu süreç, pankreas ve sindirim sistemi kanserlerinde erken teşhisin ve multidisipliner bir yaklaşımın önemini bir kez daha ortaya koyuyor.