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What is Cancer? - Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mutlu UNVER - Izmir, Turkey

Writer's picture: Doç.Dr.Mutlu ÜnverDoç.Dr.Mutlu Ünver

Cancer is a serious health problem that affects one in three people in the United States. You or someone you know may have been affected by this disease. Here is some basic information to help you better understand cancer.

what is cancer?

Definition of Cancer and Behaviour of Cells

The human body is made up of trillions of cells that normally grow and divide as needed throughout the lifespan. When cells become abnormal or age, they usually die and are replaced by new cells.

Cancer occurs when something goes wrong in this natural process. Cancerous cells continue to multiply uncontrollably, while abnormal or old cells that should normally die do not. As cancer cells grow uncontrollably, they outgrow healthy cells and make it difficult for the body to function normally.

Cancer Surgeon Izmir Turkey
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Mutlu Ünver

Types of Cancer

Cancer is more than a single disease. It can develop anywhere in the body and is named according to where it starts. For example, cancer that starts in the breast is still called breast cancer, even if it spreads (metastasises) to other parts of the body.

Two Main Categories of Cancer

Haematological (Blood) Cancers:

Cancers of blood cells such as leukaemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

Solid Tumour Cancers:

Cancers that develop in any of the other organs or tissues of the body. The most common solid tumours are breast, prostate, lung and colorectal cancers.

Although these cancers are similar in some ways, they differ in the way they grow, spread and respond to treatment. Some cancers grow and spread rapidly, while others progress more slowly. Some types of cancer are more likely to spread to other parts of the body, while others tend to stay where they started.

Cancer Treatments

Various methods can be used to treat cancer. Some types of cancer are best treated with surgery, while others respond better to drugs such as chemotherapy. Often more than one treatment method is used together to achieve the best results.

What is a tumour?

A tumour is a lump or growth that can be benign or malignant (cancerous).

Benign and Malignant Tumours

  • It usually grows slowly, does not spread to surrounding tissues and does not metastasise to other parts of the body. Most of the time they do not cause symptoms and do not require treatment unless they grow and put pressure on other structures. When treatment is needed, surgery is usually performed, but sometimes radiation or drug therapy may be used.

  • It can grow rapidly and uncontrollably. These tumours can spread to nearby tissues and metastasise to form new tumours in other parts of the body. The symptoms of malignant tumours usually depend on the location of the tumour. Treatment is done with methods such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Causes of Cancer

Cancer cells develop as a result of genetic changes. These changes can have many causes:

  • Smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity.

  • Family genes can increase the risk of cancer.

  • Exposure to cancer-causing agents (for example, asbestos or radiation).

Often there is no obvious cause of cancer.

Stages of Cancer

After the cancer is diagnosed, various tests are performed to determine the size and spread of the tumour. This helps to determine the stage of the cancer.

  • It means that the cancer is in a limited area and has not spread.

  • It indicates that the cancer has spread to a larger area. Stage 4 is the most advanced stage.

The stage of the cancer plays a critical role in determining the treatment plan. It is important to ask your doctor about the stage of your cancer.

Spread of Cancer - Metastasis

Cancer can spread from where it started (the primary site) to other parts of the body. Cancer cells can be carried to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system.

In this process, most of the cancer cells die or are killed, but some may settle in a new area and start to grow and form new tumours. This is called metastasis. Metastasising cells are the same type of cells as the original tumour cells and do not form a new type of cancer.


Cancer is a complex disease with different types and treatment methods. It is important to see your doctor regularly for early diagnosis and the right treatment options. You can browse the links below to learn more about this topic and read our other blog posts:

Remember, knowledge about cancer is of great importance for treatment and prognosis.

Assoc.Prof.Dr Mutlu Unver Best Cancer Surgeon in Izmir Turkey


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